The Benefit Lies Beyond the Challenge
It’s amazing how we deprive ourselves simply by staying in our comfort zone. And comfort is our default. We look for the path of least resistance and value safety. This…
It’s amazing how we deprive ourselves simply by staying in our comfort zone. And comfort is our default. We look for the path of least resistance and value safety. This…
How many of your troubles are the result of bad decisions? Likely all of them. Even if some external factor is to blame, it can probably be traced back to…
When pursuing any goal in life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with how to start. We have a tendency to overanalyze everything. We put off pursuing a goal, trying to…
Disasters are illuminating. They expose weaknesses; both neglected and unknown. They reveal our preparedness, our mental toughness, and our financial stability. When the cracks are realized, our first instinct is…
You can be forgiven if you haven’t exactly been on top of your game lately. With all the problems in the world right now, there’s one that may loom larger…
Humans are social beings. We may no longer rely on the “tribe” in the same way our hunter gatherer ancestors did, but our need for social connection remains. In fact,…
I recently heard someone rant about how it’s impossible to get anything done while working night shifts. He went on about a home project that “forced” him to stay awake…
News outlets have seen a surge in viewership thanks to the coronavirus pandemic; mostly thanks to stories that play on people’s fears. It’s understandably easy to look at the situation…
“May you live in interesting times.” This quote is known as the Chinese curse. And while it’s doubtful this expression has any ties to China at all, few would question…