Just Start. Optimize Later

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When pursuing any goal in life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with how to start. We have a tendency to overanalyze everything. We put off pursuing a goal, trying to find the perfect plan to get us there. That’s especially true when the end goal seems far away from where we are now.

But this way of thinking isn’t helpful. Time spent trying to find the perfect first move is time that could have been spent on execution. Even if your initial moves aren’t perfect, simply starting from where you are will make the next move more evident.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t plan at all. Taking some time to chart your course is certainly beneficial. But the key is to avoid striving for perfection – it doesn’t exist. Set a deadline for your planning. When the deadline is up, begin the journey.

Start with the fundamentals. If your goal is to lose weight: burn more calories than you consume. Financial independence: save more than you spend.

Any move that increases your income or decreases your spending is a step in the right direction.

In the beginning, the right direction is all we’re looking for; progress over perfection.

This may sound overly simplistic, leaving lots of room for improvement. But it’s hard to optimize your actions if you haven’t yet taken any.

Get started.

How to get started with difficult tasks | Get Rich Slowly


Leave the Cap on the Nightcap

That drink (or 3) before bed may help you fall asleep, but it’s not helping your sleep quality. Alcohol can disrupt circadian rhythms, suppress REM sleep, and worsen symptoms of sleep apnea.

4 ways alcohol negatively impacts the quality of your sleep | Insider


Time Shifters

A new study suggests that we can use exercise to help shift our body clocks and better adapt to shift work.

“using our muscles could be one way to help the body keep time, and reset those clocks if their typical rhythms become altered — something that sometimes happens when we live out of sync with our natural rhythms (as night-shift workers often do).”

One Twist To Exercise Could Help Reset A Misaligned Body Clock | Inverse


Fiber Functions

Fiber plays an important role in many aspects of our health: immune function, heart health, appetite and weight control, nutrient absorption and more. But specific types of fiber have different effects.

Fiber 2.0—Fiber’s New Science of Health-Boosting Benefits | Quick and Dirty Tips


Sleep Together, Reap Together

“Sleeping with a partner might actually give you an extra boost regarding your mental health, your memory, and creative problem-solving skills.”

Couples that sleep together sleep better | Neuroscience News


Life Insurance

This pandemic probably has you rethinking priorities. And, if you have dependents, life insurance should be one of them. But how much should it cost and where can you get the best deal?

How To Get More Life Insurance For Less Money | Financial Samurai


Stay Healthy-

Jason Glenn

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Thrive, No Matter What Your Schedule Looks Like

HealthShift is a weekly email offering the best physical, mental, and financial health resources for shift workers.

No Spam. No Fluff. No Charge. Unsubscribe anytime.